Unit 10 Ice-Cream Tasters Have a Sweet Job
Sir Walter Scott first created the word “freelance” in
There are many different jobs that can be done as a freelancer, most of them in publishing and computing. Freelance photographers have to complete a course in photography, and freelance journalists have to receive training in writing 2 they can have the necessary qualifications for the jobs they want to do.
Before one starts a career in freelancing, he or she has to 3 the situation: It does not have the security of working for the same company in the same office every day, and freelancers do not get holiday pay or sick pay. Freelancing can mean long hours and large amounts of work when there are tight deadlines. Nonetheless, many of them keep being late risers, 4 the midnight oil day after day.
However, freelancing, as opposed to a desk job, can be more flexible. Someone working in an office usually has to do all the work they are given when they are 5 . Freelancers can choose which pieces of work they accept and turn down those they don’t enjoy.
1. (A) when (B) which (C) where (D) how
2. (A) as soon as (B) so as to (C) in order to (D) in order that
3. (A) carry out (B) make for (C) size up (D) live on
4. (A) burn (B) and burning (C) burning (D) to burning
5. (A) on duty (B) on the way
(C) on the right track (D) nowhere to be found
1. ‘freelance vi. 從事自由職業 lance (n) 長矛 lens(es) (n) 鏡片 |
commerce n. 商業,交易 commercial a. 商業的 n. 商業廣告節目 merchant n. 商人 |
2. medi’eval adj. 中世紀的 mediate (v) 調停解決 medium (n) 中間;媒體 media (pl.n) 媒體 era (n) 時代 |
6. computing n. [U] 電腦應用(業) 7. pho’tography n. [U] 攝影(術) |
3.‘mercenary n. [C] 傭兵merc 交易
8. qualification n. [C] (usu. pl.) (勝任某工作、職位的)資格,能力(~ for sth) |
4 .warrior n. [C] 武士,戰士 |
9. as opposed to sth 與某事相反 |
5. lance n. [C] (古時騎兵的)長矛 |
10 .flexible adj. 彈性的 |
綜合測驗 自由工作者
1.no matter後面可接疑問副詞when、where、how或疑問代名詞which,形成表示「讓步」的副詞子句,使用no matter where (無論何處)較符合文意,本句應選(C)。
2.此句使用從屬連接詞in order that來引導表「目的」的子句,so as to、in order to與前者意義相同,但後面需接原形動詞;as soon as (一…就…)與文意不符,故選(D)。
3.(A)進行 (B)導致 (C)評估 (D)以某食維生,故選(C)。
4.此句因兩個對等子句的主詞相同而使用了分詞構句,省略第二個子句的主詞,再將其動詞改為現在分詞burning。原句可寫成Many of them . . . , and they burn . . .,故選(C)。
5.(A)值班 (B)即將到來 (C)依循正確的方式 (D)找不到,故選(A)。
Modeling Industry Today: All About the New
In the 1960s, you couldn’t open a fashion magazine without seeing Twiggy and Jean Shrimpton gracing the pages. Back then, the fashion industry demanded only a few superstars who would immediately sell the product well. These individuals—almost all women—were in the 1H position of being treated like royalty wherever they went.
However, this is not the case anymore. The Internet plays a huge role in this major change of the modeling industry. Today’s young people see many more images than their counterparts of a generation ago. They think seeing the same person over and over again is too 2J . They would rather 3F these pages in a magazine.
Since people have very different 4C about beauty, they are more willing to accept individuals with different features and figures. This may 5 D the message that a model who does not have perfectly even features is even preferred over the one with the more symmetrical face. However, fashion models who have made regular 6B recently can disappear in just a few seasons. Fortunately, the money they have made might at least 7E their shortlived popularity.
If you are sticking to a lowfat diet in preparation for a career in modeling, there is good news in all this. You no longer have to 8A yourself to eat little or even nothing every day. Being 9G is not necessary to become a successful model. But there is bad news. Even if you get your lucky break, don’t expect to stay on top of the world for very long. There will always be someone replacing you, and the person will be replaced some day. Success requires everyone to make some 10I . It’s true in all jobs.
(A) discipline (B) appearances (C) opinions (D) convey (E) balance
(F) skip (G) skinny (H) enviable (I) sacrifices (J) dull
1. grace vt. 使增色,美化 |
3. royalty n. [U] 貴族,王室 |
2. demand vt. 需要,要求 mend (v) 修理,改正 commend (v) 稱讚 recommend (v) 推薦 comment (n)(v) 評論 |
4. symmetrical adj. 對稱的 sym (same) + metri (測量) metric (a) 公尺的 meter (n) 公尺 |
1.be in the enviable position of doing sth (處於令人羨慕的某種情況)是常見搭配用法,模特兒被當作皇家貴族伺候是令人羨慕的,依文意選(H)。
6.make an appearance (露臉)與disappear作對比,選(B)appearances。
7.他們所賺的錢可能可以跟他們短命的知名度相抵銷,依文意選(E) balance。
8.discipline yourself (to do sth)指「嚴格要求自我做…」,依文意選(A)。
10.成功需要做出一些犧牲 (make sacrifices),故選(I)sacrifices。
A Career as a Translator
Can you speak more than one language? Are you an effective communicator? If you answer “yes” to both questions, perhaps you should “put your money where your mouth is,” as the saying goes, and consider a career as a translator. Translation involves changing something spoken or written in one language (the source language) into another (the target language), without changing the original meaning of the communication.
Translators often spend long hours going over documents with a finetooth comb, checking and doublechecking dictionaries to search for the perfect word to express a meaning. Companies doing international businesses require translation services as they expand their products and services into foreign markets. For example, Asian companies selling machines abroad need instruction manuals translated into English, French, Spanish, German, and any other languages. There’s a huge demand for translation services.
Even more demanding than translating documents, where translators can take their time, is the job of simultaneous translation. This means acting as a gobetween, bridging the communication gap between speakers of two different languages, in real time. Picture the situation: Mr. Fuji speaks only Japanese; Mr. Kim speaks only Korean. Your job is to enable them to have a conversation. Now imagine that the two gentlemen are the leaders of their countries and are discussing issues that affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Can you imagine the great pressure on the translator to get the translation exactly right? A misunderstanding under the circumstances could be terrible!
Being able to provide accurate translations without long delays requires a lot of academic training and total fluency. Translation study programs are very demanding and take several years to complete. It’s pressurefilled work, but the rewards include good pay and travel opportunities for those looking to put their communication and language skills to work.
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) How to provide accurate translations.
(B) Job descriptions of two kinds of translators.
(C) The fields that a simultaneous translator can work in.
(D) Why there’s a huge demand for translation services in
2. If you translate a Spanish novel into Chinese, Chinese is .
(A) the source language
(B) the target language
(C) both the source and the target language
(D) neither the source language nor the target language
3. According to the passage, a simultaneous translator’s role is to .
(A) sell products and services to foreign markets
(B) look up dictionaries and go over documents
(C) serve as a gobetween in a talk of people of different languages
(D) translate instruction manuals into foreign languages
4. According to the passage, in what way is simultaneous translation different from translating documents?
(A) While the former involves a lot of paperwork, the latter deals with people.
(B) The former is much less demanding than the latter.
(C) The former requires translators to respond promptly, but the latter doesn’t.
(D) The former helps the latter look up dictionaries in real time.
5. According to the passage, if you are a simultaneous translator, you may NOT .
(A) get good pay and travel a lot
(B) feel stressed now and then because the job is demanding
(C) freely express your ideas in the translation process
(D) translate accurately and fluently
1. put your money where your mouth is 用行動證明自己的話 |
6. simultaneous adj. 同步的 |
2. go over sth with a finetooth comb 仔細審視某事物 |
7. gobetween n. [C] 中間人 |
3. document n. [C] 文件 |
8. real time n. [U] 即時 |
4. manual n. [C] 操作手冊,說明手冊 |
9. fluency n. [U] 流暢 |
5. demanding adj. (工作)要求高的,需要高技能的 |
閱讀測驗 譯者生涯
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