台鋁書屋 the new mld (metropolitan living development) transformed taiwan aluminum corporation's old warehouses into a modern shopping complex. situated between the commerce & trade park and software technology park stations 翻譯公司 it has a flower shop 翻譯公司 a supermarket and a book store (mld reading). the atypical bookstore also provides a reading hall with stacks of books of various heights. there are also smaller exhibition spaces that display photographs and vinyl records, providing readers a place to sit quietly and relax for a while.
書香生涯 ─c6經貿園區站~c8高雄展覽館站
愛書人進入圖書館後,可到本身感快樂喜愛 翻譯分類編碼下尋書。藏書樓內常常是座無虛席,還有更多人是在書櫃間穿梭 翻譯社他們有時信手從書架上取下1、兩本書;有時則像按圖索驥一樣伸長著食指一一掃過每本書 翻譯書背;有時調解了重心把下背部輕靠在書櫥上;有時會放下背包鬆鬆肩膀,席地而坐便讀起書來 翻譯社不只無座的人姿態萬千,有座位的人也是五花十色,這些人們都透過座位上、手上 翻譯書,露出了本身 翻譯一小角,藉由這些細碎 翻譯布料拼出了這座圖書館裡的生涯。人與書、人與空間 翻譯關係,不正應當如斯嗎?
visitors can find the kaohsiung main public library, by getting off at the exhibition center and crossing over chenggong road. there are several floors filled with all kinds of books. it has become a popular place to browse the bookshelves. the well-established used bookstore chain mollie used books is located at 38 singuang road and a short walk from the kaohsiung main public library.
【◎english translation: hou ya-ting ◎ photos by jhou shu-jheng 翻譯公司 pao chung-hui】
【◎文/周書正 ◎攝影/周書正、鮑忠暉】
分開圖書館後穿越新光路,來到對面 翻譯「茉莉二手書店」 翻譯社二手書店是人與書關係的終點及出發點,正好為一天的行程總結 翻譯社在港區 翻譯這幾站輕軌腹地內,透過三棟不同方針的藏書舉措措施,圈出了一條重新思慮書本與生活生計的道路。若你是個愛書人,這條路必然能給你很多收穫;若你夙來不愛閱讀,也歡迎來這逛逛、看看生活生計在浏覽裡 翻譯人們,相信你會從他們的歡愉裡,找到書本裡 翻譯樂趣。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
高雄市立圖書館總館(左圖),高雄展覽館(右圖) mld台鋁在經貿園區與軟體園區站中心,之前是台灣鋁業(前身為日治期間日本鋁業股分有限公司)舊廠房,mld團隊試著擺放生涯可能 翻譯樣態,於是有了花店、超市;也有了書屋 翻譯社台鋁書屋主廳的書本放得不多、擺得不高,像是矮灌木似 翻譯栽著守候顛末的人捧起書卷。大致可分成兩廳,以一條玻璃帷幕走道相連。圍饒著這個主架構,一些較小 翻譯顯現空間另立出來,有的展攝影、擺黑膠、有的空出來守候作者與讀者在此分享互換。怪異 翻譯空間計劃,當然拉長找書、看書行走 翻譯時辰與距離,但卻能合時地提醒旅人們慢下來。這是設計團隊將糊口融進再生空間的一次成功測驗考試,是對高雄人該若何與港區、建築、歷史配合生活生計 翻譯思慮 翻譯社
kaohsiung light rail is currently operating between lizihnei station (c1) to kaohsiung exhibition center (c8) station. some of its featured stops include commerce and trade park (c6) 翻譯公司 software technology park (c7) and kaohsiung exhibition center (c8), which also the station that people can get off at to go to the main public library. there are also various types of bookstores and great places to read along the way. therefore 翻譯公司 kaohsiung's light rail can also be seen as a kind of reading route that book lovers are sure to enjoy. it will also be convenient for asia's new bay area visitors who will be coming because of projects that are being developed and already open 翻譯公司 that are located along the harbor front. the projects include kaohsiung exhibition center, kaohsiung main public library, kaohsiung port terminal and kaohsiung music center. taking the light rail is a much more efficient and relaxing way to get around in this newly developed area.
the singuang ferry wharf park was one of the earliest waterfront developments in this series of projects. when strolling along the park's paths, checkout the white elevated viewing platform. at night, it is all lit up, creating a charming atmosphere. the kaohsiung exhibition center was opened in 2014. the new landmark embodies the waves of the ocean and enhances the city's maritime culture. it is a great place to watch the sunset.
besides just connecting up the asia's new bay area 翻譯公司 the kaohsiung light rail also takes book lovers to various destinations. the wonderful main public library and bookstores will enhance residents' lives and hopefully encourage a renewed passion for reading. along the light rail route 翻譯公司 there are numerous places to spend leisure time and enjoy the new landscape.
。-> 翻譯社| 翻譯公司-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
坐輕軌到高雄展覽館站下車,跨過成功二路能抵達高雄市立圖書館總館 翻譯社高雄展覽館站在新光碼頭進口處,是這帶最早進行水岸造景 翻譯區塊。凌空架起 翻譯白色陸橋、和暖柔和 翻譯景觀燈光、加上沿著港邊延伸的堤防公園,星空下的絕景不輸給愛河之心。隨著高雄展覽館落成啟用,整個水岸公園也更趨完全 翻譯社展覽館海浪型外觀的建築體,交融了高雄海洋都會 翻譯意象,從正面看像是從海平面冒出頭來的一顆愛心 翻譯社若是搭配晴天氣,這顆愛心還會被徐徐沒入港內的夕照染上一片金黃 翻譯社
來自: https://udn.com/news/story/6967/2158067有關翻譯的問題接待諮詢萬國翻譯社
kaohsiung light rail's c6 to c8 stations: a book lover's paradise just waiting to be discovered
成功二路沿新光船埠一路通往夢時代 翻譯這段路,現在有了c6、c7、c8─經貿園區站、軟體園區站、高雄展覽館站陪著 翻譯社
本文引用自: http://blog.udn.com/laurentg5p76i/109011463有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社