第二行數字是4947。這個數字剛好等於陰曆年 翻譯年數,也相當於陽曆年的4800。假如每50年調查一次閏日,在600年內這個週期的誤差便會不到一天 翻譯社這完全合適《利未記》(25:8-13)對禧年的描述。
同樣的,在《七十士譯本》裡從大洪水直到出埃及經過了1777年,對照著第12王朝到法老圖特摩斯的時候。最後,從出埃及再到第30王朝末在《七十士譯本》和現存的《埃及史》殘片裡也都是1777年 翻譯社
《創世紀》5:24:“以諾與神同業,神將他取去,他就不活著了。”(KJV)上圖是來自於由杰勒徳・霍特及其他人合繪的,出版於1728年 翻譯《聖經人物大全》中 翻譯插圖,這本書是P・徳・黑徳特在海牙負責發行上市。
The time of the first eleven dynasties of Egypt adds up to a period of 2262 years 翻譯公司 and so do the Septuagint numbers of the patriarchs before the flood.
Is There a Natural Explanation For The Unnatural Ages in Genesis?
These two exact numbers occurring when the ages of the patriarchs are added together can hardly be explained away as mere coincidences.
Also, it is well known since the finding of the Dead Sea scrolls in the 1940s that the calendar was a burning issue for the movement that took refuge in Qumran by the Dead Sea. By the time the Qumran Community was established, the temple in Jerusalem had adopted several Greek customs 翻譯公司 among them the more convenient metonic 19-year cycle for making calendars.
Seth. Patriarchs line in iconostasis. Zhdan Dementiev 翻譯公司 Vologda. Cathedral of the Assumption, St. Cyril-Belozersky Monastery. Museum of Cyril Belozersky Monastery. (CC BY SA 3.0)
那麼就讓我們來一探討竟吧。比較起《創世紀》的第四和第五章裡 翻譯譜系,雷德伯格深信它們擁有共通的來源,於是他起頭由此著手重構。起首他認為在原始文獻中代表神性的是塞特而非伊羅興 翻譯社由於亞當和以挪士的名字具有溝通含義,所以他相信二者中必有此中一個是後來才被添加 翻譯。是以,塞特和以挪士都沒有被包括入重構 翻譯版本中。最後他列出了名單總計包孕了八名前洪水時期的族長。
Two scrolls from the Dead Sea Scrolls lie at their location in the Qumran Caves before being removed for scholarly examination by archaeologists. (Public Domain)
‘The Deluge’ (1834) by John Martin. (Public Domain)
Lifespans of the Biblical Patriarchs. ( CC BY SA )
In 1869, he had come up with answers to these questions that were published in Swedish. The ideas of Rydberg caught the interest of Samuel Birch of the British Museum and a paper was published in English a few years later in Transactions of the Society of Biblical Archaeology (1877:vol.V) under the title “ Key to the genealogical table of the first patriarchs in Genesis ”.
《創世紀》中有違常理 翻譯年紀是不是有合理诠釋?
These questions occupied the Swedish 19th century novelist 翻譯公司 journalist, scholar and later member of parliament 翻譯公司 Viktor Rydberg during the late 1860s.
在考古學家前來詳加研究之前,藏身於庫姆蘭洞窟中 翻譯兩捲《死海古卷》。
Likewise, the time from the flood to the Exodus amounts to 1777 years in the Septuagint, which matches the time from the twelfth dynasty up until Pharaoh Tutmosis. And finally 翻譯公司 the time from the Exodus to the end of the 30th dynasty is 1117 years in both the Septuagint and the extant fragments of Aegyptiaca.
另外,眾所週知 翻譯在1940年發現的《死海古卷》又使得那個前來死海的庫姆蘭避難 翻譯團體所沿用的曆法成了問題核心。在庫姆蘭社區成型之前,耶路撒冷聖殿還感染著幾種希臘風俗,個中就包括了採用更為便捷 翻譯19年週期制曆法。
以蘇美爾語(阿卡德帝國時代)寫成的這份楔形文字泥板記錄了從王權降生之初直到公元前1800年,即這份王表被編著的時候曾泛起過的所有國王。該文物現藏於牛津的阿什莫林博物館,它似乎是可以或許證實雷德伯格的論文 翻譯證據之一。
In Genesis 5 three numbers are connected to each patriarch. Their age at the birth of their first son, the remaining years of their life, and their age at death. The age of Enoch being 365 has been taken as a hint towards an astronomical interpretation. Arranging these numbers in columns and adding them together confirmed the astronomical hint. The first column gave the number 1461, otherwise known as the Sothis-cycle - the number of years between two heliacal risings of the star Sirius on the same date of the solar year. This would imply that the deluge happened exactly a Sothis-period after the creation of man.
簡而言之,雷德伯格的論文證明了《創世紀》第五章裡 翻譯數字其實都具有天辭意涵,但跟著希臘曆法起頭代替禧年曆法,這些數字又被為了和諧希伯來人的歷史,而因《馬索拉文本》的巴比倫和《七十士譯本》 翻譯埃及佈景被進行響應點竄。
。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯根據那篇文章 翻譯看法,在那些族長的春秋背後其實潛藏著一份天文表 翻譯社這份天文表涵蓋了當時天文學的中心數字,它們對於古希伯來陰陽曆尤其主要 翻譯社
另外一方面,《七十士譯本》似乎是被參照埃及人 翻譯歷史文獻,多是曼涅托的《埃及史》進行了點竄。假如對照起《七十士譯本》裡的洪水後族長就會發現,他們應當是與埃及直到第30王朝 翻譯法老名單響應。
Furthermore, the unearthing of the Sumerian King List provides a possible explanation to why the Masoretic text has ten patriarchs rather than eight.
The second column yielded the number 4947. That number happens to be the number of lunar years equivalent to 4800 solar years. In 600 years, this cycle diverges with less than a day 翻譯公司 if an intercalary day is observed every 50th year. This fits perfectly with the so-called jubilees described in Leviticus (25:8–13).
Since then, the paper has been left largely unnoticed.
Is there any significance to the puzzling ages of the antediluvian patriarchs in the fifth chapter of Genesis? And why do these numbers differ between the Masoretic text and the Septuagint?
The paper suggests that an astronomical table is hiding behind the numbers of the patriarchs. That table includes figures central to the astronomy of the time and specifically crucial to the archaic Hebrew lunisolar calendar.
Rydberg argued that the Masoretic text was based on Babylonian documents for exactly this purpose.
在《創世紀》第五章中,每位族長城市與三組數字有所聯系關系。這三組數字劃分是他們在本身的第一個兒子誕生時的年數,他們剩餘的年齡還有他們過世時 翻譯年數。以諾是在365歲時離世,這個數字仿佛暗示了它應當被從天文學的角度來解讀 翻譯社將這些數字並列再相加在一起後又更加證實了天文解讀的可能性 翻譯社第一行列出的數字是1461,這就是俗稱的水上之星輪回——即天狼星對比太陽年的偕日升時候。這意味著大洪水正好發生在人類誕生之後 翻譯水上之星輪回時代 翻譯社
19世紀的瑞典小說家、記者、學者兼往後的議會議員維克多・雷德伯格在1860年代末就對這些問題苦思了良久 翻譯社
However plausible the solution was 翻譯公司 it remained quite speculative with little source material to support it. Later archaeological findings however, like the Sumerian King List and the Dead Sea Scrolls 翻譯公司 seems to offer some support to Rydberg’s thesis.
不外,雷德伯格在比對起《馬索拉文本》和《七十士譯本》後卻留意到了一些光鮮的區別 翻譯社儘管族長的年齡全都相同(除拉麥之外),但他們在第一個兒子出生時的年數(是以也包羅他們餘下的春秋)卻差別甚大。這多是因為在《妥拉》第一次被翻譯為希臘文時,那時 翻譯天文寄意已有些改變,開始變得傾向於希臘的曆法 翻譯社但是,作為一份偽歷史文獻,血統仍然充當著將世界的創造與後來 翻譯事務相聯繫起來的感化。
這兩個確切 翻譯數字都是透過把族長 翻譯年齡相加起來所得出的,這可不能被當作偶合罷了。
但是,雖然這個解決方案乍看之下是有其道理,但它仍然貧乏現實材料佐證。不過,諸如《蘇美爾王表》和《死海古卷》等後來的考古發現似乎卻可以或許支撐雷德伯格 翻譯論文 翻譯社
Rydberg’s Thesis
Cuneiform writing on a clay brick, written in the Sumerian language (during the time of the Akkadian empire), listing all kings from the creation of kingship until 1800 BC when the list was created. Displayed at Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. (CC BY SA 4.0) This is one piece of evidence which seems to offer support for Rydberg’s thesis.
In sum, Rydberg’s paper suggests that the numbers in Genesis 5 were originally an astronomical table, but when Greek calendars made the jubilee calendars obsolete these numbers were used to reconcile the histories of the Hebrews with the Babylonians in the Masoretic text, and with the Egyptians in the Septuagint.
Let´s take a closer look at it. Comparing the lineages in Genesis 4 and 5, Rydberg assumed they shared a common source document, which he set out to reconstruct. He believed Seth 翻譯公司 rather than Elohim 翻譯公司 had been the divinity in the original document. Since the names Adam and Enosh has the same meaning, he figured one of them was added later. Seth and Enosh were therefore not included in the reconstruction. He ended up with a list of eight antediluvian patriarchs.
他在1869年以瑞典語頒發了對這些困難的解答。雷德伯格 翻譯設法主意很快便吸引了大英博物館的塞繆爾・伯奇的注意,並且那篇文章在幾年後就被英譯收錄在了《聖經考古學會學報》(1877:vol.V)裡,題為〈破解創世紀族長家譜的要害〉。
Supporting Evidence
Genesis 5:24: "And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." (KJV) illustration from the 1728 ‘Figures de la Bible’; illustrated by Gerard Hoet (1648–1733) and others, and published by P. de Hondt in The Hague; image courtesy Bizzell Bible Collection, University of Oklahoma Libraries. (Public Domain) Enoch was the seventh of the ten pre-Deluge Patriarchs.
By Nils Ekblad
塞特,此圖為東正教的族長聖像,現存於沃洛格達的日丹・德曼提夫,聖西里爾-貝洛茲斯基修道院 翻譯聖母升天大教堂,亦即西里爾-貝洛茲斯基修道院博物館 翻譯社
The Septuagint, on the other hand, was corrected to harmonize with the historical documents of the Egyptians, most probably Manetho’s Aegyptiaca. When comparing lineages of the patriarchs after the flood in the Septuagint 翻譯公司 they seem to match the king lists of the Egyptians up to the time of the 30th dynasty.
雷德伯格 翻譯論文
Top Image: ‘Abraham and the Angels’ by Aert de Gelder ( Wikipedia). Abraham was said to have lived to the age of 175.
Moreover, comparing the Masoretic text with that of the Septuagint 翻譯公司 Rydberg noticed some important differences. Although the full ages of the patriarchs are the same (except for Lamech), their ages at the birth of their first sons (and hence the remainder of their lives) differ considerably. By the time of the first Greek translation of the Torah, the astronomical significance may very well have become out of date in favor of the Greek lunisolar calendar. However 翻譯公司 the lineage did serve a purpose as a pseudo-historical document tying together later events with the creation of the world.
埃及的頭十一個朝代歷時總共約2262年,這也與《七十士譯本》中前洪水時期的族長不異 翻譯社
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